Hi, I'm Alain!Click here to view the readme or keep scrolling to see my work!

About me

My name is Alain. I'm a coder who is passionate about learning new ways to create meaningful tools and applications. My main focus at the moment is on transitioning from my IT background to a full-time career in software development.

I believe that being obsessed about customers and the user experience is the key to building great products that deliver value. If you'd like to work together, head down to the contact page!


This section is for work I've undertaken professionally.

Tacos El Chorypollo | chorypollo.com

A screenshot of the chorypollo.com website

Website for a local food truck. Built with Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS. Deployed on Vercel.


Here are some learning projects I've put together as practice.

Front End

A screenshot of the calculator app

React Calculator

A simple but bulletproof calculator made with React that uses a regex to sanitize user input.

A screenshot of the markdown previewer app

Markdown Previewer

A markdown previewer with input and output windows that can be maximized for easier viewing. Includes a tutorial.

A screenshot of the quote generator app

Quote Generator

A random quote generator that generates a new color with each new quote and a share button.

A screenshot of the productivity clock app

Productivity Clock

A no-frills pomodoro timer with customizable intervals and an alarm. I use it to stay productive while coding.

A screenshot of the drum machine app

Drum Machine

A drum machine with a variety of sounds, keyboard actuation, and a volume control. Recording feature coming soon!

A screenshot of the invert filter app

Invert Filter

A CSS demo of a color-inverting spot that follows the cursor. There are two backgrounds to choose from.

Data Visualization

A screenshot of the treemap diagram

Treemap Diagram

A treemap diagram of the top 100 highest grossing movies divided and colored by genre.

A screenshot of the choropleth map

Choropleth Map

A map of the United States showing the percentage of adults with a bachelor's degree or higher.

A screenshot of the heat map

Heat Map

A heat map of the monthly global land-surface temperature. The color of each data value is generated continuously.

A screenshot of the scatterplot graph

Doping at Alpe d'Huez

A scatterplot of the 35 fastest times up a famous Tour de France hillclimb... most alleged to be doped.

A screenshot of the bar chart

GDP Bar Chart

A bar chart of the United States GDP each quarter from 1947 to 2015 with a tooltip for each bar.
